Monday, May 7, 2012

First vs. Third World Series







For the final project related to Rwanda, we were supposed to create a series of six images that reflected a theme. I chose First World vs Third World and the lack of help between them.

1. This project was supposed to show how the 1st has the ability to help the 3rd world, but is often hindered by ignorance and apathy
2. The quote i chose is actually from Hotel Rwanda, and it is again supposed to show how the 1st world is ignorant to the problems of the 3rd
3. This is supposed to represent, how on a world monetary value, the 1st world is viewed as much more valuable than its counterparts, and the quote is supposed to show that this doesn't have to continue as long as good people do something.
4. This is supposed to show how the worlds wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few, when it is really needed by the many. The quote reflects this idea.
5. This shows the division of between 1st and 3rd world, and ho the UN often creates the divide instead of helping close it.
6. This shows how the wealth is concentrated unfairly in the world, and how the small amount that trickles down will never be enough.

All in all, i was very happy with these, but my two favorites are by far 2 and 6